Greetings from the Fix family! We would like to share some blessings about our work with AWA!

The weather is starting to heat up here in Kentucky and we made it through a busy week and weekend. The week before last, I was a bit discouraged as many struggles presented. However, God reminded me that when we work for Him, He has our success in mind!

One morning, my phone alerted me to a text message while I was at work. It was from the elder at a church where I did a presentation almost a year ago. I called him back and he asked if I could give an update on our progress. I eagerly accepted! Then, he surprised me even more! Apparently, in the past year since the last time I had spoken, the church had been fundraising and raised $3000 for the Philippines project! Praise the Lord!

Later that day, my old flight instructor who has recently switched jobs, came by the maintenance hangar where I work. We started talking and he said he was off for a couple of weeks from his new job. Though supportive of his new job, I had missed my flight instructor, so I asked if he was available to fly with me to work on my commercial license. That license will be the final step in my training required to fly for AWA. He agreed and I moved quickly to reserve a plane and schedule time off with my boss.

That afternoon I flew with my flight instructor and finished a little more toward my commercial license. I have a lot more to do to before obtaining my license, but we know that God will help us.

Working at the same place where I have been learning to fly is God’s will and a blessing! My boss is understanding and can rearrange my schedule so I can take the time to flight train. My wife and family support me, and I am blessed to have them by my side. God does answer prayers! Though we may not receive the answer when we want it, God is working on it and is making all things work out in His timing to bless us!

We are looking forward to seeing how God provides for us when we are deployed to the front lines of the mission field at AWA’s base in the Philippines. Currently, the AWA Mission Base on the island of Palawan has many exciting things happening. The biggest project involves generating enough funding to complete the Airstrip before the rainy season comes. They also have been busy building a church, and recently a group of students at a Christian High School in Canada came down to help! Big things have been happening, and God has been blessing our future project and us immensely! Please partner with us to help further God’s work, not only here in Kentucky, but also in the Philippines!

Your AWA Missionary in Training family,
Josh, Yosiday, Caleb, and Isaac Fix

Prayer request: That God would continue to provide the time and money to finish my flight training

Needs: Sufficient funding to go full-time with AWA and deploy soon to the Philippines