Fix Family – August 2016
Dear Family and Friends:
This summer is flying by, and before we know it, it’s going to be cold again! At least where Yosiday and I live.
Fix Family
A lot has happened since our last letter, including some more sad news. While my wife and I were at Oshkosh, my dad passed away from a heart attack at his home. This was unexpected and hit pretty hard to the family. Please keep us in your prayers. My dad loved flying. He was another big supporter of Yosiday’s and my dream of becoming missionaries.
On a more happy note, my wife and I had our first ultrasound and learned the gender of our baby. We’re having a boy! We’re very excited and nervous all at the same time. May God help us to be the kind of parents He intend us to be.
Even through all this, we can see God working things out in our lives. He cares for us, provides for us, and even has our back when we make mistakes. We see all kinds of sadness and confusion in the world, and it can get pretty overwhelming. We know that we have a God that loves us and wants the best for us. He’s actively working on us to make us into the August 2016 children He wants us to be. We are not in this alone, nor are we unique in this respect. It’s amazing, but God has a personal involvement in each and every one of our lives, to the degree that it’s as if we were the only living soul on the planet. We have a God in heaven who desires us to be with Him. He loves us so much that He wants us to call him Father, for truly we are His children. He wants to save us from this mess that we have chosen. He wants to save us from the penalty of our crimes against Him and fit us for our new home with Him; if we could only fathom His love for us.
Yosiday’s and my desire is to share this exciting news with people who might remain unreached without the aid of aviation. But this is something that we cannot do alone. We need your prayers and support as we team up with AWA to accomplish this task of touching lives.
Get excited about mission service! Not just abroad but right outside your doors as well! You too have a job to do. Your mission service might be right at home. Our families are our first responsibility no matter their condition. We need to lift everyone closer to Jesus because we will be brought closer as well. Keep the faith everyone. Take courage and press to the battle front.
Josh & Yosiday Fix