Greetings from the Fix family! We would like to share an update about our future plans with AWA!

As a missionary pilot in training, there is pressure as I finish my mechanic training and flight training. Pressure can come from all around us, making us doubt what we know is right. Many times, Satan uses pressure to lead us away from God and His will. My last license requirement is my commercial license, and I only need time to complete it. It has been difficult over the years to implement and keep mission service juggled with our other pressures of work and spending time with my family. Caleb and Isacc are growing up so fast, and I am sure Yosiday would love to have me home more. However, God has been helping me even when I do not see it. He has opened up exciting opportunities to complete my training, and I am thankful for His mercies.

One external pressure in the aviation world is that trained pilots are less common. Many companies are willing to pay folks to finish their flight training so they can fly for them. Since I work in aviation and am in school, I have had similar offers put to me as well. I must confess there is a pull there sometimes when I think of making more money and providing more for my family.

However, inside my heart, I know when you chase money like that there is never any true satisfaction. At Adventist World Aviation, we work for a powerful kingdom, its ruler is Jesus, and the capital is in Heaven. He has all the power in the universe to send to our assistance, as long as we ask. We have asked, and God has provided for us! Our faith has grown over the years as we have seen His guiding hand. We have seen Him work miracles on our behalf!

So now in this home stretch, I ask that you would especially keep us in prayers as we finish up flight training and as I start to transition to full-time AWA missionary. It scares me to think about quitting my safe secure job, but God comforts me and lets me know that we are on the right path! I cannot wait to serve God and the people of the Philippines with the talents that God gave me! I first heard about the need for mission pilots back in 2009. Now it is 2019 and I am close to the point where I can fill that need. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support on this long journey!

Your AWA Missionary in Training family,
Josh, Yosiday, Caleb, and Isaac Fix

Prayer request: That God would provide the time necessary to finish my flight training and obtain my commercial license

Needs: Sufficient funding to go full-time with AWA and deploy to the Philippines