Greetings from the Stevenson family! We would like to share a faith story with you, our AWA family!

A woman was visiting our home church during a prophecy conference the church is doing. Trusting in God, she asked Him to provide a need she could not meet on her own – what most of us would consider a small amount, just $10 for some necessities. God provided for her, and after paying for her basic necessities, she still had a little left over! She learned from a friend of ours that we are missionaries in training with Adventist World Aviation. She came to me during the meeting and gave to me a handful of change. “I know it’s not much, but I want to give this to you for your ministry [with AWA].” I instantly thought about the widow in the temple.

Have you ever thought about the faith of the widow giving her last two mites into the Lord’s treasury? It takes faith, reaffirmed with the applied and accepted experience you have already had and/or seen with Christ in your life, or the lives of others, to trust Him this much. The widow in Jesus’s day had nothing but two little coins, yet put in everything, because she had likely had this experience before with little to no money, and knew God would provide her needs. She was rich in faith because she knew Him. Another story of faith is perhaps even the faith of the little boy who gave his meager lunch of five little barley loaves and two fish. The little boy, too, had heard of Jesus and what He had done, so to hand over his little lunch for God to bless was his faith in action to, ultimately, prove the sovereignty of God and His promises to fulfill our needs.

What does it take to put all you have in the hands of the Lord and trust that He will multiply it, and no matter your circumstances, He will take care of you? All the dear woman we met at church had was a couple of “mites” of money. Rather than keep it for other things, she gave it back to God’s treasury for His work and ministry through AWA. The impact of witnessing this type of faith first hand is significant, deeply rich in the faith of Jesus and the glories of heaven!

This woman was so inspiring that both Kyle and I (Rebecca) now step out in faith as well. In comparison to our giant plans with God and AWA, all we have is the “five barley loaves and two fish”, which you, our supporters and donors, have given in faith. It has nourished us well, and in turn, growing our faith. Here in April, we are stepping forward to work with the Aviation Medical Examiner, or AME, and we ask for your prayers and support. Our greatest request: That Kyle’s red/green color blindness will not hinder his training. He has 16+ flight hours and was close to his solo flight when colorblindness stifled his progress years ago. Things have changed in testing though, so there is hope!

We know God cannot bless us further if we do not trust Him to take the next step, and utilize the blessings He has already provided. Therefore, we spread our wings and ask for your prayers to lift us up to carry us through the process to acquire our private pilot’s license. Kyle will start and will have about enough funds to acquire it; however, we ask God to multiply what we have now, so that both of us can taste success and become pilots. We also know we cannot get there without you. You have helped bring us this far with your support. God is leading the way. Help us make this “pilot” year one to remember, aiding the hastening of Christ’s soon return! Thank you!

Your AWA Mission Family,
The Stevenson Family

Prayer list –

  • For Kyle’s test for his eyes to continue his flight training
  • That we both can obtain our Private Pilot’s License
  • For safe travels to the Pathfinder Camporee in the last week of July