Project Description
Kincaid Family
Jim and Linda Kincaid
Jim Kincaid – Director of Alaska Mission Project
Jim and Linda Kincaid moved to Kotzebue in 2007 to restart the work there. They have shown strong leadership in re-establishing connections with the native villages through Jim’s aviation service. Jim and Linda have recently moved to Fairbanks where they continue to support missions in Arctic villages across Alaska.
The Kincaids work with both church attendance and outreach ministries in various places, including Kotzebue. Because Kotzebue is a large community, additional volunteer support is needed for outreach. Please pray for the village of Kotzebue and that someone will be impressed to help support the Kincaid family in ministering to the people there.
Kotzebue, named after Otto von Kotzebue who explored the Kotzebue sound while searching of the Northwest Passage in 1818, lies on the end of the Baldwin Peninsula. Archaeological evidence suggests that the Inupiat people have lived at Kotzebue since at least the 1400’s. Because of its location, inhabitants of the Russian Far East came to Kotzebue to trade furs, seal oil, hides, rifles, ammunition and seal skins. Kotzebue is currently the largest city in the Northwest Arctic Borough with a population of 3,082.
Partner with AWA - Support Kincaid Family
Today, you have an opportunity to join a circle of people striving to reach the far corners of our world with the Gospel message. Daily, AWA missionaries follow the 2000 year old model that Christ left when He was here on earth: Love those around them, and provide care for those that are hurting. Each AWA missionary does an invaluable work to further the gospel, however, none of them can do this work alone. It takes a team of people to unity together and boldly commit to this cause. There is an opportunity for you to join this work and be an influential part of bringing joy, and healing to this world. Consider being a part of this force that brings change around the world. By financially partnering with our missionaries you too can stand with us to positively shift our world till Jesus comes again!
Mission Project
Alaska – August 2024
Do you remember that the Kincaid family has moved? They were in Fairbanks but have moved into the North Pole community there in Alaska. Below is an update from Jim Kincaid, AWA’s Alaska Project [...]
Alaska – March 2024
Dateline: Fairbanks, Alaska. Today was forecasted to achieve about 24 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a huge change over the last week when temps as low as -70 were reported in the area. This current [...]
Alaska – May 2023
The Kincaids are planning to make a move!A move you say? Absolutely! The plan is to make a move to better facilitate our aviation ministry...Continue reading Visit Donate Page [...]
Alaska – February 2023
As we’ve started a new year, heading that much closer to Jesus’ soon return I consider how far we come in ministry. So much time, blessing, and stories. My mind goes back to the early days of our [...]