We are preparing every day for the time when we can meet immediate needs in the Philippines through aviation. After months of waiting, the plane is finally shipped to the Philippines! The Lord has been working it through customs and the container that contains the plane will soon be sitting at the Adventist World Aviation base. Please keep the project in prayer as we are at this exciting point in our development. We are so close, but we need God’s hand now more than ever to see us through because it is “…Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” (Zachariah 4:6). We know we cannot finish the work in our own strength. Start to finish, ours is cooperation with God in faith and work, and we are so thankful for all of you who support us with your prayers and donations! 

God has provided for us faithfully when we need Him to come through for us. Since quitting my job at the airport to open up my schedule, I have been taking side work to support my family doing tree work and odd jobs. God has provided, and every time when I am in need of another job, something pops up just on time. Just the other day we had the car insurance bill come in the mail. It comes every six months and I am never exactly excited to see it. However, this time as I pulled the mail out of the mailbox another letter was in there as well. It was from the bank. Somehow, the bank owed us $300 dollars! Praise the Lord! 

When I was young, I heard stories about God providing for people as they stepped out in faith to serve Him and humanity. I always thought that it would be awesome to have the same experience. Well, now I can safely say I have had that experience and many times over, and know God will take care of us! I want to learn more and more what God’s will for my life is in the day-to-day choices I make so I can be in the center of His will and experience daily what it is to walk in power of His will. 

Prayer request: That God would teach us His will and show us His mighty hand to enable us to reach the people of the Philippines.


Sufficient support to deploy to the Philippines.