Hello Friends and Family,

A lot has been happening here at the Fix household! Sometimes things seem to move too fast, but God is faithful and gives us the strength we need to accomplish the duties of each day.
The last few weeks have especially been busy. The other day, I was driving home from work and I was frustrated with two things that seemed to be just out of reach. The first thing was that I was asked to pick up the AWA pathfinder plane (N81708) from MMS (Missionary Maintenance Services) in Ohio, but schedules and weather seemed to keep getting in the way. I had tried three times to get up there, but one thing or another kept it from happening. The other thing on my mind was the last part of my aircraft maintenance license which is my powerplant rating. I’ve been working toward getting my full license for about five years now, and I was frustrated with the time and the bureaucracy involved in getting permission to take my last test to become a full airframe and powerplant mechanic.

As all these things were running through my head, I remembered my Heavenly Father, Who helps me sort out the most complicated situations. So I laid all these things at His feet and asked that His will would be done. If God wanted these things accomplished, He would enable me to do them.

The following morning I looked at the weather forecast for the next Sunday to see if there would be flying weather so I could get the plane in Ohio. The weather outlook hadn’t been good before and there had been nothing but rain every day in the forecast, but low and behold Sunday was going to be mostly sunny. God had changed the weather! I started to get excited and texted my friend who was willing to give me a ride in his plane up to Ohio. He said he was available!

One situation getting solved – now onto the next one. I didn’t think about my powerplant rating until later that day at work. I mulled my situation over in my head until I couldn’t stand the suspense anymore. I called the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in Cincinnati to see what they thought about me getting Adventist World Aviation Fix Family Newsletter March 2018 signed off to take my test. I had completed 30 months’ worth of on-the-job experience and was pretty sure I had all my ducks in a row. I just needed someone at the FAA to agree with me. So I called up the FAA office and spoke with someone there about my situation. To my delight, he agreed with my interpretation of the rules and I started planning a visit to the office so I could get my sign-off to take the test. Praise God!

I got home and told Yosi the good news. Unfortunately I got a fever and felt awful for the next few days and ended up missing work because of it. Now I started worrying about not being able to get the plane in Ohio on Sunday because of being sick! We started praying and doing every home remedy we could think of to kick this bug and by Sunday I was able to fly. Another praise to God! The weather was great and the plane retrieval went smoothly.

That next week I went to Cincinnati and visited the FAA office to discuss my sign-off. I got permission paperwork that day! I am pretty excited right now to be making headway, and I pray that God will give me the strength I need to walk through these doors as He opens them. We are being carried along this path by our Father in heaven and I pray that we don’t ever forget that. There’s still many more mountains to climb and the thought of it can be overwhelming at times, but I know that the One who brought us this far can bring us to the end of this journey.

Keep us in prayer as we push on. Some things you can pray for is that Yosi can get her US citizenship soon so we can travel more freely outside of the country. This will make mission service more practical, enabling us to be abroad more than six months at a time. Keep in prayer my flight training and the powerplant rating test I need to take soon. Also pray that our fundraising will be successful so we can become full-time missionaries. It’s only by God supplying our needs through the generosity of people just like you that we are enabled to do this work of saving lives and souls for the Kingdom of Heaven. Also keep the baby (yet to be named) that’s growing inside of Yosi in prayer.

Thank you for your support and encouragement in our journey and if there’s something we can pray for you, let us know! We’d love to pray for you as you pray for us! Until next time, keep the faith and remember that God loves you personally!

Josh and the Fix family