Dear Family and Friends:
We pray this newsletter finds everyone in health and good spirits. It’s evening here, and there’s a dusting of snow outside, making it feel like a typical winter evening.
Fix Family
Yosi’s mother and sister are here visiting from Mexico, and they are spending time together with our son, Caleb in the living room. Yosi’s sister, who just turned seven, is periodically getting up to chase our cats, which is enjoying the attention. I’m sipping some echinacea tea to help nurse a sore throat.
As I think back on the last few weeks, I can say that we are more than a little blessed. Yosi’s mother and sister were able to come and spend Christmas with us. I was able to take Yosi’s sister, Dai, up for her first ride in a small aircraft, which she enjoyed following a few moments of whimpering. The view overpowers the fear of flying for a lot of people. I also took an old friend up a few days later who hadn’t flown in a small plane for some years. On that day the wind was up a bit which made it slow for flying in one direction and then quickly in the other. Kind of like paddling up or down a river in a canoe.
It reminded me of something someone once told me about how God’s blessings flow like a river. God never changes; likewise His blessings. God’s blessings flow like a river that never changes its course. If we want to experience God’s blessings, we have to follow His leading and step into the river. God can bless us as we follow Him and He is the one that enables us to do so. As in our experience of flying. The wind was not going to change for us and blow the direction we wanted. But as we change our course and fly with the wind, we are then aided by the wind in our flight, and we travel faster and farther than we ever could on our own.
So it is in our day-to-day lives. God cannot bless us if we choose to do whatever we want, but as we set our course to follow the path He has shown us, then we are given divine aid. Divinity then works with and through humanity, accomplishing God’s will.
Check out 2 Peter 1:3 and 4 and Philippians 2:12 and 13. Awesome stuff, right? Do you want to have power? The best kind? Power to do good? Surrender yourself to the One who is Good. He will bless you with the power you seek. He blesses those who hunger and thirst after righteousness (Matthew 5:6).
Life is good here in Kentucky. I’m obtaining good experience here on all kinds of levels, and especially at changing diapers. I just purchased a toolbox to work on top of and store all my tools at work for use on aircraft. My tool inventory is also expanding, which is exciting.
Sometimes I feel like I’ve got so much to learn, and that I’ll never be of any use to anyone as a mechanic or pilot. But when I think back four years or so, I can see I’ve come a long way. I’ve learned an awful lot, and I’ve compiled many tools of the trade. I can see how God has blessed me as I have chosen to follow Him. Also, and most importantly, I’ve grown in my spiritual walk. God has shown me ways where I need to correct my flight path and fly the course He has chosen for me. By His grace, I’m surrendering my will to Him.
Please keep us in your prayers as we move forward on this journey toward the mission field, and we pray that God blesses each one of you. Stay warm! And love God and others like you mean it. You’ll be glad you did.
God Bless, Josh, Yosiday, and Caleb Fix
Visit Fix family’s page here.