Hello Everyone!

How is everybody making it through the winter so far? I hope no one has frostbite yet. It’s been pretty chilly here in Kentucky. The shop floor has been cold to work on. I’m looking forward to working with the hanger door open again and letting the sunshine warm the floor and illuminate the shop.

I’m writing this letter from a new location this time. I’m sitting in the car with Caleb in his car seat in the back, waiting for his mommy to get done combing the clothing racks at Goodwill. Most of our wardrobe comes from this place, and by God’s grace Yosi finds good things. I tell you what, though, it takes a lot of patience to find nice things here sometimes. I’ve been going to Goodwill since I was knee high to a grasshopper and it doesn’t seem to get any easier to find something that fits or looks nice.

Most times the best things in life take a little searching for and a little patience… or maybe a lot of patience if you’re like me. Some may say they have patience, but I don’t seem to have a lot to spare. Ha ha. I’m like the widow with her mite. It’s not much, but it’s all I have. I praise God that He is patient with me as He teaches me to be patient. In Matthew, Jesus said, “it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” We have read this, but praise God, He also tells us, “with God all things are possible.” That gives me hope that He can make me into the kind of man He needs in the mission field.

This is something that’s been on my mind. God is all powerful and my weaknesses and imperfections and not standing in the way of His ability to work through me and make me useful in His hands. He can start with nothing and make something of it. He proved that with the Creation of the universe.

Speaking of the miracle of life, we have an announcement to make! Caleb is going to be a big brother! He is going to have a little brother in a few months time! Yosiday is due to deliver this little munchkin in May. We’ll keep you posted, but we’re really excited and we’re praying for God’s blessing on this new life.

Keep us in your prayers as we’re moving forward in training to go to the Philippines in the midst of all this excitement. Pray that God opens the doors for us to be able to prepare for such a big move. Pray that He will guide us as we move forward in faith to our ultimate goal of being a blessing to the people of the Philippines. This has been a long road of preparation for us. We know God has led us this far so we press on and we’re excited to see what God will do next in our journey! Thank you for your prayers and support! We can’t do this without you! God takes what you give and multiplies it like the fishes and the loaves!
We have a full summer of training and AWA presentations so please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

With Love,
The Fix Family

Email: josh@flyawa.org