Dear Family and Friends:
How is everyone doing this month!
Baby Fix
Let me go ahead and jump right into thing! Our son Caleb was born! We welcomed him into the world the 29th of November weighing 8 pounds and 13 ounces. He’s healthy and doing great. Yosi was a real trooper and is being a great mother that anyone would be blessed to have. There’s no knife in my back by the way, haha. Now we’re settling into being parents and Caleb is getting used to life on the outside of the confines of the womb.
I haven’t been doing an awful lot of flying due to the baby’s arrival, but I’ve got a flight I’m doing sometime soon to pick up a little dog for some friends. It’ll be 3 hours each way and should be a blast. I miss flying when I don’t do it for a while and I love using aviation to help people. I do believe God had a hand in the building of that first airplane that those brothers from up in Ohio put together. He knew the blessing that flight would be to mankind. It’s taken it’s toll as well, but I can’t imagine a world without air travel.
God has really blessed us this Holiday season. We were able to get a washer and dryer for almost a quarter of the usual price (while Yosi’s water was broken…long story.), Yosi’s mom and sister are coming to visit for Christmas, and God has blessed us with a son. It has been a tough year in a lot of ways, but God is always faithful. If we allow Him to, God will show us how blessed we really are. No matter the situation we can all be thankful. No matter what, we have a faithful God in heaven who loves us unconditionally and wants us to be with Him and live on a earth made new. And he’s made provision for each of us to be there. I think that’s just great, I don’t care who you are. So During this Christmas season and new year, you might not get everything you ever dreamed of, but take the time to treasure the blessings that you already have! And most of all, the blessings that no one can ever take away. The ones that don’t rust or ware out.
Josh, Yosiday, and Caleb Fix
Visit Fix family’s page here.