Hello from the Fix family!

Life at the Fix house is always busy, especially with two kiddos under the age of two. I am very thankful for my beautiful wife, Yosi, who manages to keep everything going at the house so I can focus on my work responsibilities, flight training and our missionary service goals.

In the beginning of July, I took off several days from work to study for my instrument rating written test. This is part of my preparation to become a missionary pilot with AWA and eventually serve at the AWA airbase in the Philippines. To complete this rating, you need to pass a written test, as well as prove your proficiency with flying tasks. I had been putting off taking this test for over a year and God recently put a fire in me to tackle this challenge. I knew that I needed to commit time to study and set aside four days to hit the books hard. I went to our local church building in Winchester, Kentucky where I found a quiet place to cram for my test.

At home, Yosi, took control of the house and the kids and gave me the time I needed to prepare myself for the test. It is a blessing to have a partner who is committed to helping me, our family and who shares my desire to serve God.

The following week I sat for the instrument rating written test and succeeded in passing! Praise God, my wife and the Sheppard Air folks who put together the study software that I used to prepare. I am so happy to have this huge step completed in my journey to becoming a missionary pilot with AWA.

My next challenge on this journey is to get actual instrument instruction flight time in. This requires many hours of flying to build up my competencies. Not only will this require a huge time commitment and time away from the family, but it will also require funding to pay for the flight training time. Please keep us in your prayers.

It is only by God’s providence that we have been led this far and it is only by His providence that we will complete this journey to the mission field. We are very grateful for the support and prayers you have given to our family on this journey. We know that it is through your generosity that we will, one day soon, be ready to deploy to the Philippines.

Caleb, our 19 month old, has awaken from his nap and is wanting to sit on my lap so I will end this letter saying, thank you again for your prayers and support and may God richly bless you and your family!

Josh and Yosi & Caleb and Isaac Fix