Greetings from the Stevenson family at AWA! We would like to share an exciting story with you!

“Looks like we’re going to need to get another headset,” I commented as we saw the future unfold before us.

The day had not started out so great for Kyle. Neck and back pain aggressively tormented him as his body settled after a chiropractic adjustment from the day before. After Hadahsa had gone to school, we decided that going to work was not an option… at least we thought we decided. However, as the day moved forward, it was evident that God had plans of a most delightful nature.

First, the flight instructor called that Kyle had contacted the day before. Plans unfolded during the call and things began to take shape as we compared schedules. We settled on a date, and in just a few days, we both would be going up for some instruction. The vision of seeing that yellow and blue AWA Cessna flying through the sky in Uganda seemed more real and even closer than expected! It became clear that we would need to start praying even more for God to carry us through, for all the needs involved: material, financial, and spiritual.

God’s waiting room is an odd thing at first glance and has many character building tools. We have to remember that God has called us and really does hold all things in His hand to happen at the proper time. He also richly blesses us along the way as we wait in Him and allow Him to work all things out in his timing. However, once you have been there staring at the various things going on around you for a while and God calls your name finally to move on, the pieces comes together and everything begins to make sense. Courage is cultivated and hope surrounds you.

My next challenge for the day came when finally I had a moment to call the neurology center to hear if any referral had come through. Unless I have a referral, I cannot be cleared by a neurologist to satisfy FAA medical certificate requirements. They told me that my doctor had not yet sent anything over to the department. She is busy…so I assumed. It turns out the referral actually has to be approved through our insurance which can take a while, so I am still in God’s waiting room on this issue.

We did see a glimpse of the bigger picture on why God had Kyle stay home. Come to find out that Hadahsa had prayed earlier in the day that her daddy could come pick her up from school! This was normally impossible because Kyle would be at work. However, today, Kyle had stayed home from work, and had felt better by the afternoon enough to go pick Hadahsa up from school! If God can answer Hadahsa’s little prayer for her daddy to pick her up from school, where normally he would not be able to because of being at work, think of how much more God delights to answer even bigger prayers to make all things possible for His servants to serve Him.

As we move forward and upward in flight and wait on God’s timing, we praise God for our supporters and donors, as you are making God’s dream come true for us! We are all stewards and servants in His hands to accomplish something much bigger than we can accomplish individually. Together, with God leading the way, we can accomplish extraordinary things. God will show forth His glorious plan as we unite to reach the people of the world. Thank you for being a part of Team AWA!

Your AWA Mission Family,
The Stevensons

Prayer Request:

  • For prayers for our continuing journey as missionaries in training and that we will be able to step out in faith to do God’s will

Project Needs:

  • Donations for the Uganda Project to complete the overhaul of the plane
  • Donations for monthly support and deployment costs