At our last Pathfinder camping trip, we taught our group of children what they needed to know before we went camping. They ended up knowing their skills so well that the other campers could not tell that this was their first camping trip as Pathfinders!

Shortly after the camping trip, our world was turned upside down and everything went into lock-down. Before that happened, the area Pathfinder leaders discussed having an Induction Ceremony in our church in Sagpangan.

Now, what was once a short 1 km trip to the church was now 8 km going around the long way. We met with the village council and they conceded that if everyone wore face masks, and the church was kept at 50% occupancy, we could hold the ceremony. Unfortunately, we could not meet those mandates since we had 80 kids to be inducted, excluding their families and current Pathfinders and Master Guides…

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Philippines Palawan Mission Project Update