One of the greatest joys for me is when a precious soul accepts Christ as their God and Savior and follows in His footsteps. Then when that person shares his new beliefs with friends and relatives, my joy is complete! Rolet is a 50-year-old farmer with six children. One of his children was baptized three months ago, after our evangelistic meetings. Rolet has seen many changes in the life of his son, and so he decided to follow the beliefs of his son as well. Giving up certain food was not easy, and keeping Sabbath holy was strange, but now he loves it. Before his baptism, he believed that if he gave up consuming unclean foods that he would throw-up from the lack of it. Now he doesn’t miss it. Whenever he has a chance, he stops by his friends’ and relatives’ homes to tell them about the holiness of the Sabbath; that they should rest from daily routine work for just one day a week because the body needs it for God gave us six days to work and one day to rest–the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord God. It’s a day to come together and worship Him who gave us everything.

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Philippines-Palawan Mission Project Update