Narciso, a 70-year-old man, lives in our village of Sagpangan. His father was an Adventist, but Narciso had not followed in his father’s ways. Despite that, he did not forget the beliefs he was brought up in. Whenever a group comes to give him a Bible study, he tells them that he is an Adventist, even though he is not baptized and does not attend church. As we’ve gotten to know Narciso, he showed us the location of where the Adventist Church used to stand in 1972. It was right on his property, next to his house. In solemnness, he shared he never build anything on that piece of land. He kept retelling that old story to anyone; to his children, grandchildren, and anyone willing to listen. When we had our last set of evangelistic meetings, we invited Narciso and all his children with their families to come– and they came! They attended for two weeks of study, but no one decided to be baptized. We extended the study in his own house for a week but still, no one took the next step to follow Jesus. Narciso is the head…

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Philippines-Palawan Mission Project Update