

Newsletters Sorted by Date

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F – I

Guyana – August 2022

August 2nd, 2022|Comments Off on Guyana – August 2022

As Monique and I stood behind our table at the Swansea Farmers’ Market with AWA information and Christian literature to hand out to customers and [...]



O – Z

Maintenance – November 2022

November 17th, 2022|Comments Off on Maintenance – November 2022

Do you remember in Matthew 22 where Jesus speaks about the wedding feast? Those invited wouldn’t come, too busy, too distracted by life. “Invite them [...]

Guyana – March 2022

March 6th, 2022|Comments Off on Guyana – March 2022

Thank you once again to our generous donor who provided the requested funds to purchase Annely a laptop so she could continue with her secondary [...]

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