Ontario Conference Dedicates Long-awaited Cessna 185 for Mission to Northwestern Ontario

Ontario Conference Dedicates Long-awaited Cessna 185 for Mission to Northwestern Ontario   This Thanksgiving, Ontario Conference has a lot to be thankful for despite a challenging 2020. One of our biggest blessings is that the Cessna 185 aircraft we obtained in 2017, in collaboration with Adventist World Aviation (AWA), is now ready for use. [...]

2021-10-27T19:15:10-04:00October 21st, 2020|

Amphib Mission Plane to Serve the Canadian North

Adventist World Aviation and regional church partner to assist Native communities. As posted on http://www.adventistreview.org What follows is the first report in a series of stories on the challenges and joys of sharing God’s love among isolated Native communities in Northern Ontario, Canada. It is a region of forests and lakes, twice as [...]

2017-08-14T21:52:23-04:00August 14th, 2017|
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