Missionary newsletters

Stevenson Family – May 2020

Hello Maintenance Project Supporters! Your support of the maintenance work is doing amazing things in the Philippines and abroad! Kyle returned from his trip exhausted. What was accomplished, however, was amazing! N81708 is completely put back together, fully functional and now waiting to fly. The runway isn’t completed yet and due to the... Click to [...]

2020-05-21T23:01:07-04:00May 21st, 2020|

Guyana – May 2020

Sister Caroline from Great Britain has a heart for her fellow Guyanese family. Early in January, SisterCaroline put together two plastic barrels, one large box and a large suitcase to help the people in the interior, in Region 1, Barima Waini. Books, wonderful books for the children! Sister Caroline’s desire is to have a reading [...]

2020-05-21T22:54:27-04:00May 21st, 2020|

Philippines/Wilkerson Family – May 2020

Excitement ran through the team as Sir Bruce cracked the seal on the sea container. Inside the container the Pathfinder airplane had been carefully packed and stowed months ago along with the much-needed tractor and other items. The doors creaked and groaned on their hinges and Sir Bruce slowly pulled them open. Much to everyone’s [...]

2021-07-02T00:53:10-04:00May 21st, 2020|
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