Missionary newsletters

Guyana/Wilkerson Family – April 2021

Members of our local worship center have taken the mantle of continuing the Lord’s work. In the past, when Bruce and I were leading the Hobo Hill Worship Center, Sabbath was always a high day packed with activities to engage attendees and the community. We led the worship experience from 9:30 am until after 12 [...]

2021-04-04T23:23:47-04:00March 31st, 2021|

Philippines/Wilkerson Family – April 2021

It is always exciting to see people make decisions for Christ. To see them baptized is such a happy moment! But when the work of the evangelist is done, when the dust settles, then the hard work begins. Nurturing the newly-baptized can be tireless, and sometimes disappointing if they are the seeds that took root [...]

2021-10-11T03:44:02-04:00March 31st, 2021|

Kincaid Family – March 2021

We have been planning for several months to fulfill an agreement to distribute essential protective equipment and cleaning supplies to 11 Interior Alaska remote villages. In late December we received the first shipment, consisting of approximately 4,000 lbs. This material was stored in the local ACS (Adventist Community Services) Warehouse pending receipt of the remaining [...]

2021-02-28T21:32:38-05:00February 26th, 2021|
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