Missionary newsletters

Guyana/Wilkerson Family – April 2021

Members of our local worship center have taken the mantle of continuing the Lord’s work. In the past, when Bruce and I were leading the Hobo Hill Worship Center, Sabbath was always a high day packed with activities to engage attendees and the community. We led the worship experience from 9:30 am until after 12 [...]

2021-04-04T23:23:47-04:00March 31st, 2021|

Philippines/Wilkerson Family – April 2021

It is always exciting to see people make decisions for Christ. To see them baptized is such a happy moment! But when the work of the evangelist is done, when the dust settles, then the hard work begins. Nurturing the newly-baptized can be tireless, and sometimes disappointing if they are the seeds that took root [...]

2021-10-11T03:44:02-04:00March 31st, 2021|
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