Monique teaching the VBS Class
Greetings from the Wilkerson family! We would like to share what a day off work from the AWA Guyana Project looks like for us and how it helped open even more doors for Christ!
Some people’s idea of rest and relaxation (R&R) is a little different from ours. One Sunday, we combined R&R with outreach. At 11 o’clock that morning, we loaded ourselves, a packed lunch, and six of the young ladies (13 to 19-year-olds) we work with at our worship center into a boat and headed down to the river community of St. Mary’s. Our packed lunch was a combined effort to serve Guyanese dishes; Bruce made “cook-up” for the first time, while I made Chana. It seemed we did not do too bad cooking since everyone finished their plates and four had second servings. After lunch, some of us played several games of Frisbee. Then, the real fun began when the young ladies took turns steering the boat! We went up and down the Barima River, and all were laughing and having a wonderful time. This is the first time one of the young ladies had ever ridden on a boat. Before we left that morning, she shared her hesitation on going on the outing because it involved being in a boat on the river. After we reassured her concerns for safety and a little pleading from her friend, she made the leap of faith and joined the outing. She made a 180-degree change toward boating—now she loves it and is eager to drive the boat!
Later in the afternoon, we were all back at the St. Mary’s Primary School and tested the villagers for reading glasses. In addition to receiving the correct strength reading glasses, each attendee was given the book Steps to Christ. One older gentleman began reading it and stayed for about an hour doing so. Before he left, he indicated he was enjoying reading the book tremendously and that the message made his heart happy.
When we were preparing to depart, one of the teachers asked if we could come back and teach the children about Jesus because some of her children ask her who Jesus is. We promised we would return. What a wonderful way to end our day of R&R!
Back at home in Mabaruma, we wrestled with how we could honor the teacher’s request. Our heart ached for the children asking questions about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In Deuteronomy 11:19 it says, “You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” Thus, Monique and I were compelled to start something somehow. God led us to begin a Vacation Bible School (VBS) to gauge the interest of the students and parents.
Twenty-three days later, we were back at St. Mary’s to conduct VBS along with a team from our community of Hobo Hill. The village of St. Mary’s has eight families with 16 students attending primary school. On the first day of VBS, we planned to begin at 10:30 a.m. that day. Unfortunately, by 10:45 a.m., the place was quiet and no children had arrived. By 11:00 a.m., we were a little worried since the students were a no-show. Then, by 11:10 a.m., three small dugout canoes with 11 children arrived. Praise the Lord! We had 12 attendees! We sang songs, read stories about Jesus, worked on arts and crafts, and had games. At the end of the VBS program, we asked if they would like us to come back and the answer was a resounding, “yes!” The parent present even seconded the motion with a big smile. Then, a 14-year old took Monique for a short ride in the small dugout canoe. Everyone laughed and had so much joy. It is truly amazing to make new friends in the Lord!
Thank you, dear friends, for making it possible for us to have reading glasses, books like Steps to Christ, and the opportunity that we can share with people young and old about Jesus. May your support and participation help the people of St. Mary’s community see Jesus more clearly.
Your continued prayers and your support enables us to offer these mentorship opportunities to young Christians and share the love of Christ with those who do not know Him.
Your AWA Mission Family at Mabaruma, Guyana,
Monique and Bruce