Sabbaths at the Saw Mill Church is always eventful. This Sabbath was no exception. After church we drove the Nissan Frontier through a thick forest pathway to reach Anselmo’s jungle farm. When we finally reached his place we admired the tranquility and serenity of the area and the beautiful kubo he built for his wife and six children! We shared our sandwiches and they shared their noodles with sardines. We had a wonderful lunch; breaking bread together and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Staying with Anselmo’s family was Normalita, his wife Arlita’s niece. Normalita is a frail 9-year old who recently underwent gastrointestinal bypass surgery in Manila. Sadly, the family exhausted funds needed to complete the surgery and returned to their province of Palawan. Little Normalita is a regular kid who carries a colostomy bag. We were asked if we could help with her surgery to give her a somewhat normal childhood. We replied that we would try to garner support for sponsorship of the surgery. After our pleasant fellowship and with sunset almost upon us, we began to say our goodbyes when…

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