Covid19 restrictions have hit hard in Palawan. The government has imposed many harsh restrictions; including cutting off nearby villages from the town of Aborlan including our village of Sagpangan. The government has set up fences to limit access to and from the village. It has been mandated that anyone ages 17 and younger, and 60 and older, must stay inside their homes. Jaime and Rosalina, who we have written about (see the Q1/ Q2 Airways at flyawa. org), fall under these restrictions. Their big problem is that they have no one who can go out and shop for them. An even bigger problem is that Jaime must still work for basic needs like food and medicine.

Jaime knows that although the government may restrict their comings and goings, one thing it cannot restrict is his faith in God. He believes that “all things work together for good to those who love Him.” Romans 8:28 Jaime prayed about his and Rosalina’s predicament. God answered Jaime’s prayer by sending a kind donor to help! They were so grateful. They wrote a note of thanks in Tagalog…

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Philippines Palawan Mission Project Update