Greetings from the Wilkerson family! We would like to share some stories about our travels and our AWA Guyana Project.

Recently, we had the wonderful blessing to attend the 88th birthday celebration of Monique’s father in the Philippines. It has been over ten years since my last visit to the Philippines. I cherished the country even more during this visit, and I have a greater appreciation for the country and the people. We spent most of the time in the country, becoming more acclimated to the residents’ daily routines. I discovered the country has a treasure-trove of natural resources and beautiful, hospitable people.
Consequently, Frank, Monique’s 88 years young father, has a love for mission work as well. He currently has three missions in his province of Ormoc, Leyte. They are providing food for disadvantaged seniors, feeding needy children, and sharing provisions to poor needy squatters. Monique had the opportunity to participate in two of his missions. One morning, they packed many plastic bags with provisions of rice and canned sardines to distribute. As they drove a highway lined with squatters, they stopped at homes where children and adults eagerly and happily accepted the loving gifts of kindness.

Another afternoon, I joined Monique and Frank in distributing food for impoverished seniors in one of the local barangays (village). First, Monique and Frank purchased provisions such as rice, canned foods, powdered milk, and cookies. Then, we coordinated with their village representative to have the seniors assemble at a centralized location and designated time. The seniors dressed up that day to meet us, and were nearly all younger than Frank with most in their late 70s and early 80s. When we arrived, Monique and Frank, assisted by the village representative began assembling the food hampers, while I conversed with several of the villagers. After assembling all the food hampers, they asked me to provide a short message of hope in Jesus, which I did in American English. Afterward, they asked Monique to translate my message into Bisayan, the native dialect, since some of the seniors would better understand the message shared in their native tongue. Monique willingly translated the message of hope in Jesus Christ and prayed in Bisayan. It was a delightful experience for me to continue doing mission work in another foreign country and to witness God’s people participating in His work around the world from the young and old alike. God blessed Frank with good health in his older age and the resources to help financially those who have much less. He is happiest when he shares his blessings with others. Our hearts are full of thankfulness for the generosity of God’s children.

Back in Guyana one afternoon, Monique asked 15-year old Teneisha to come by our living quarters to encourage her to come to church. When Teneisha came, her two younger brothers came along with her. They were happy little boys, but Monique noticed they did not have any footwear. Monique asked if they needed footwear and they resoundingly replied, “Yes!” She continued to ask whether they needed flip flops or rubber shoes but they replied that they would rather have black shoes so they could go to school. Praise the Lord for their interest in attending school! Thankfully, last year the Corrales Church sent barrels of donated provisions and black shoes for schoolchildren. Monique provided the requested black shoes, and brought a surprise for Teneisha, a pair of sandals from the same barrel. All three children went home happy and jumping for joy that day. Similarly, we too, were very happy and appreciative, with our hearts full for the opportunity to be part of God’s people that are helping others who are less fortunate. A special thank you to all who have sent clothes and resources to our AWA Guyana Project that will continue to bless these children. Your support and kindness helps us here at AWA to teach them to know more about Christ.

Thank you all for your generosity, partnership, and support. God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good.

Your AWA Mission Family at Mabaruma, Guyana,

Bruce and Monique