Philippines/Wilkerson Family – December 2019

Dear Family and Friends, If there is one word to describe the Pathfinder Airplane (N81708), it would have to be “Teamwork”!  At Oshkosh in 1999, the Pathfinders helped to raise money, and helped work to get the yellow plane ready for its first service in the jungle of Guyana, South America... Click to read [...]

2021-07-02T00:52:45-04:00January 10th, 2020|

Philippines/Wilkerson Family – September 2019

The sounds of carpentry drifted through the trees, mingling with Tagalog voices. The voices were sounds of men quickly working together to put the roof on the new church. The departure of Laura and the LaBore children was coming the following week, and we wanted very much to have the roof completed before they [...]

2021-07-02T00:52:35-04:00October 17th, 2019|

Philippines/Wilkerson Family – August 2019

Greetings from the Espinosa family! We would like to a story from our AWA Philippines – Palawan Project! The people here on the island of Palawan form a tightly knit community. Their huts are arranged closely and many are not just neighbors, but related to one another. The children all play together and there [...]

2021-07-02T00:52:29-04:00September 8th, 2019|
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