Missionary newsletters

Philippines/Wilkerson Family – September 2018

Dear friends and family, It has been years since we have heard the roar of an AWA airplane engine come to life here in the Philippines. It’s been hard and frustrating as we still receive calls for medivacs, far out in remote areas, but we have to say, “sorry, we don’t have a plane [...]

2023-11-28T03:53:14-05:00October 26th, 2018|

Philippines/Wilkerson Family – May 2018

We were all up late, preparing for this year’s AWA evangelistic series being held April 22-28 in San Vicente, Palawan. Laura was involved with getting all the craft supplies together for the kids. We would be holding meetings at four different sites with four different pastors from the States. Reaching the kids at the [...]

2023-11-28T09:05:59-05:00May 15th, 2018|
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