Pictured is the Kobuk River in front of the village of Shungnak. Shungnak is a village of approximately 270 Inupiat Eskimo people and less than ten nonnative folks associated with the K-12 school. This village has been a site for Adventist mission ministry since the late 1960s. But the tenure of our mission personnel has been intermittent at best. For the past almost ten years, Tony and Airen Sherman have given their lives to this village. Sad to say, they are now embarking on a new adventure further from the North American comfort zones. I say sad because they will be sorely missed. A positive thought is with regard to the blessing they will bring to their new assignment in a remote location on the other side of the world. This brings us to the reality of necessary recruitment of a family to take over the ministry in Shungnak. It is the goal to…

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