Greetings from the Espinosa family! We would like to share exciting news from our AWA Philippines – Palawan Project!

Dust billowed up in the hot wind, and the ground trembled with the weight of the grader as it plowed its way through the grass and bush. The construction for the road had finally begun!

We have been using a road that goes straight from our house to the new mission house, but the “road” was just a worn area made by frequent use. In the rainy season, it becomes unusable as it turns to mush in the torrential rains. Then, just as suddenly as the rains come, they stop, and the clay mud ruts harden into trenches, making travel difficult. Over the years, we have shoveled dirt, rocks, and dug ditches to divert the water when the road becomes a river, but to no avail.

In order to make the airstrip, we desperately needed a new road. To keep the new runway from eroding, no cars will be allowed to cross the runway, which lies between our house, the main road, and the mission house. Because of this, we made the road going around the end of the runway. Due to the weather, we had to make a good road that could withstand the rains. The old road was impassable with a 4×4, and there would be NO way the little vehicles they use for an ambulance could make it through to the runway.

We needed four culverts put in place to divert the water. Three men have been working week after week in the intense sun, digging the hard clay with shovels, making culverts for the water to pass through. They are amazing men, and never complain. We try as best we can to keep them hydrated!

After the graders, a water truck came to water the road to keep the dust down. Dump trucks then dumped load after load of rocks in piles along the road. Later a grader came back and “mowed” all of the piles down to a nice-looking road surface. We are not done with the work yet; we need to dump more rock and level it out.

Since the building of the mission house, we have been praying for the funding for a new road, as we knew it would be the next stage. The final funding came in December and we were extremely grateful and excited. The contractor had originally said they (it is a husband/wife team) could begin the work March 1. Because the weather was drier than normal, and because funding came in, they were able to start the end of January!

We have taken a few steps to start the runway. A geological engineer came out to do an official survey, and we started a little bit of the grading. We will continue to build it as funds come in. We are trying to keep costs as low as possible, but still need more donations to complete the runway and the hanger. The airplane is about to be shipped, and we are hoping to have a runway to use when it gets here! God is good, and it is amazing to see Him at work!

Your AWA Mission Family stationed at the AWA Philippines – Palawan Project,
Edgar and Raylene Espinosa