Dear Family and Friends,

We can hardly believe January 2019 has ended. It was a busy month! First, the annual inspections on our two Cessna aircraft began on January 15. Nik Nagy, who is AWA’s Director of Maintenance, and Tom Meighan, who is AWA’s Volunteer A&P, traveled to Mabaruma, Guyana for 10 days to conduct the FAA-required annual inspections. Nik and Tom worked from daylight to sunset inspecting and ensuring our aircraft are once again safe to carry out their life-saving humanitarian flights. One of our aircraft, N82HS, is flying missions again! However, we are currently waiting on a new battery for N8838X to arrive from the States soon.

One week after Nik and Tom started, Jud Wickwire, AWA’s VP of Operations, arrived with the required parts and supplies. We then could conduct the final test flights for our aircraft. After Nik certified our aircraft as meeting or exceeding FAA inspection standards, he returned to the States. The next day, Jim Craik and his wife, Lorraine, arrived in Guyana. Jim is our current relief pilot and a seasoned missionary pilot, having flown for years in Brazil, Cambodia, and Guyana. He is also a recently retired pilot for the Alaskan State Troopers. Lorraine is an amazing musician. Due to work commitments, she can only stay with us in Mabaruma for a month, while Jim will be with us a little longer until March 19. We are very thankful for the Craiks’ willingness to serve once again in Guyana and to assist our AWA team with mission flights.

Arriving on the same American Airlines flight as the Craiks were the “Gloves Go Global” representatives Hannah Akre, who is the Co-founder and Executive Director, and Ethan Klausmeyer, who is the Development Director. Hannah and Ethan were here to promote preventative healthcare in resource-limited areas, specifically focusing on removing waterborne pathogens. Hannah and Ethan stayed with us for a whirlwind five days. They brought with them the SE200 Community Chlorine Maker by MSR, which can purify any source of fresh water, killing all microbes and waterborne pathogens. Their partnership visit was very well received and has the possibility of a long-term relationship, not only with Region 1 leadership, but potentially throughout the country of Guyana.
Tom Meighan remained longer to help us complete several top-priority projects. Tom is always a great help when he collaborates with us in Guyana. Last summer, he was pivotal in assembling the structure for our hangar. Now, he is staying an additional two weeks after the aircraft annuals to help us complete some of our construction projects. His service is a blessing to us! Tom is a retired U.S. Air Force Active Reserve Technician, having served 38 years, 12 of those as an active duty member. He was an aircraft mechanic on a C-141, after which he joined American Airlines and retired from the company after 11 years. Married to Luchi, they are enjoying retirement and conducting short-term mission trips with AWA. We could also use your help, so if you are motivated to join our AWA team as a short-term volunteer, be sure to let us know!

Today, I was bagging oats, which the Corrales Church in New Mexico had donated. We put the oats into one-pound bags to distribute to the Venezuelan Waraos on Sabbath afternoon. Typically, there are about 23-28 families, so we bring 30 bags. If we have any extras, we give them to our Guyanese interpreter. There were two large bags and one medium bag of oats donated. When I finished with the second bag, there were 17 one-pound bags. My calculation at this point led me to believe we would end up with 30 bags. However, I also wanted to share bags with two Guyanese families in dire need who have small children. We have seen God answer prayers before, so when I was opening the last bag, I said a silent prayer that if God willed, we would have enough for the two families and another bag for our own to consume. God knows our needs and hears even our smallest heartfelt prayers! The grand total of one-pound bags came to 34, which was enough for everyone!

“And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep his commandments and do what pleases him.” (1 John 3:22).

Thank you, dear friends, for your prayers and support because our mission here at AWA is only possible with your partnership and engagement! Your volunteering and donating make it possible for AWA to continue reaching the people here in Guyana, and God pours out his blessings on it!

Your co-laborers in Christ,
Bruce and Monique