Dear Family and Friends,

Thank you to all of you who have prayed for Bruce’s instrument rating completion. Although Bruce completed all instrument rating requirements, his educational benefits have been depleted.

A blessing occurred however, when a local Tullahoma aviator was in the process of moving to Southern Kentucky and could not initially take his aircraft with him (Piper Archer ll). He heard Bruce was a missionary working to complete an instrument rating and allowed Bruce to use his aircraft for a short while until he relocated the aircraft to his new home. Bruce was able to fly the Archer for 2 weeks while waiting for navigational issues on his loaner Cessna 172 aircraft to be resolved. Flying the Archer provided good experience for Bruce, but the aircraft moved to Kentucky with its owner. Due to sporadic VOR navigational issues on the loaner Cessna 172 aircraft, combined with the long wait to schedule a flight examiner, PLUS spending too long away from Guyana, Bruce decided to finish his instrument rating at a later date. God’s timing is not ours, so when we give a goal in life our best human effort and it doesn’t work as we planned, we have to trust that God’s timing is better than ours. In Isaiah 40:31 it says: But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Bruce feels blessed by the opportunity to learn and experience instrument flying to its fullest and feels confident that with God’s blessing and a short “finish-up” program he will complete the instrument rating. We trust that the Lord will continue to grant him the skills and knowledge to pass his instrument check ride and earn the rating for God’s glory and to serve Him in new ways.

Our annual Christmas sharing is fast approaching and we have many saints already supporting this wonderful event. Our home church, Corrales, had been collecting two, maybe three, barrels of clothes, shoes and even books. Amazingly, the barrels were full to the brim in two weeks time! A community church in Illinois has also donated three large plastic bags full of clothes and one large plastic bag full of shoes. This connection was made possible by Bruce’s aunt who attends the church. After meeting Monique during a breakfast meeting, they offered her clothing for the people we serve during our Christmas sharing event in Guyana. Finally, our daughter, Tammie’s church in Tullahoma, TN also donated bags and bags of shoes, clothes, and other miscellaneous items. Our hearts are so full of gratitude for everyone coming together to help others in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Family and friends, thank you for your belief, encouragement and belief in our AWA mission.
We are all called and have a part in this world to promote the Gospel Commission. This experience has made us believers in the importance of Christian fellowship and the need to be connected to you, the fellow saints. We all fall short of His glory and we are all sinners, but we also believe in a God that loves us and forgives our short-comings when we seek His forgiveness. YOU are our partners and YOU keep us going. YOU encourage us. In return, please know we love you and pray for you and are grateful beyond measure for your participation and partnership with our mission in Guyana. AWA needs you to continue its mission here in Guyana. We encourage all of us to be on constant alert for the many opportunities the Lord places in our paths in sharing the message of hope through our Savior.

Your Friends,

Bruce and Monique
