Dear friends and family,

It has been years since we have heard the roar of an AWA airplane engine come to life here in the Philippines. It’s been hard and frustrating as we still receive calls for medivacs, far out in remote areas, but we have to say, “sorry, we don’t have a plane that we can operate right now.” We often wonder at God’s timing, because it certainly doesn’t match ours! If it were up to us, we would have already had an airplane and a runway built, but, “My ways are higher than your ways saith the Lord.” Isaiah 55:9

“My ways are higher than your ways saith the Lord.” Isaiah 55:9

We now have some exciting news to share! The Pathfinder I airplane has been refurbished! After the Pathfinders helped to raise money for the plane to be refurbished the first time back in 2003, it flew in the mission field in Guyana, South America where it was used to save and help thousands of lives by medivacs. It carried countless pounds of cargo; including food, medical supplies, and whatever else was needed to help the lives of the people in remote areas.

After a certain amount of time flying, airplanes must undergo an overhaul. The Pathfinder I airplane needed not only an overhauled engine, but an entire overhaul before it could be sent back out to do more lifesaving work. AWA personnel were able to fly it from Guyana to the United States where Missionary Maintenance Services Aviation (MMS) was able to do the whole overhaul. They are a Christian group that worked for many hours, for only the cost of parts. We are SO grateful for their time and talent! They gave the plane a new paint-job, new interior, overhauled engine, the works! It’s an amazing airplane and now has many modifications for flying in remote areas.

While the LaBore family is on furlough in the United States, they were able to pick up the airplane at the AWA headquarters in North Carolina. Ric Swaningson, the president of AWA, brought Laura up to speed on flying in the USA. She had spent many years flying this same plane in Guyana, but she was a bit rusty on the rules of flying in the States. Laura feels more comfortable flying into tiny dirt strips in the jungle than into big busy airports. After a little time back in the pilot’s seat, though, she was ready to go!

Laura then loaded her family into the plane and took off from the Smithfield, NC airport. They flew to the mountains of North Carolina for the Carolina Camp Meeting, then on to Florida, Louisiana, Texas, and finally California. After a few weeks enjoying the company of family in California, Laura and her dad were ready to ferry the plane up north to Washington state.

The funny thing about the LaBore kids is they have grown up with their mom flying, and they have ridden many hours in the Pathfinder plane… but they hate flying! Most kids would jump at the chance to fly, but maybe it’s because of association. Many of the flights Micah and Danae flew with their mom involved transporting the sick. They have seen many traumatic things as a result. When Micah was about 5 years old, he was riding in the back while Laura was transporting a pregnant lady and a nurse. The patient turned her head back and threw up all over Micah’s flip-flop feet! He just sat there, paralyzed, with an expression of horror for the remaining 20 minutes of flight!

Jerry Kopitzke, Laura’s dad, was excited to be able to ferry the plane with Laura! He had been a pastor in the San Juan Islands and Washington state, and had learned to fly there. This was an amazing opportunity not only for him to be able to be back flying in the same area, but Laura too was thrilled to have her dad along. Unfortunately, California was having a severe heat wave and although they left early, they were diverted around some fires that were raging.

After several adventures, they finally landed the plane at Auburn, Washington where it now waits to be shipped. An AWA crew will come to take off the wings and put it in a container to be shipped to the Philippines. We cannot wait to once again hear the roar of an AWA airplane in the Philippines! That sound is the sound of lives being saved. The next big step is to build an airstrip….but that is another story still in the making! Again, in God’s time, He will provide. We ask you to pray and, if possible, to help with that project.

Thank you and God bless you!

Edrei Von Espinosa,
“Missionary Kid”